Proofreading/Quality Assurance

Proofreading/Quality Assurance

Job Ratings

The Proofreading Process

SpeakWrite contracts with proofreaders (PRs) to carefully assess a certain selection of jobs each day to ensure our quality standards are being met and accurate documents are being sent to our clients.  Completed jobs that are marked for proofreading will be randomly assigned to a PR who will then review the job and verify that it follows SpeakWrite's policies and procedures appropriately.  PRs do not know whose work they are reviewing. 

Our system makes proofread jobs available to the typists who completed them, along with the PR's rating and comments. When you receive feedback from a PR, understand that it:

  • Is designed to help you comply with client and SpeakWrite standards
  • Helps you improve your work accuracy and quality, and thereby your ability to succeed in this job
  • Is never meant as a personal criticism of you

What Jobs are Proofread?

The frequency in which your jobs will be proofread depends on your performance.  As a new typist, we attempt to proofread your work as much as possible so management can track your progress as you become accustomed to our policies and procedures.  Once you have maintained sufficient quality, you may begin being proofread less often.

Reviewing Your Proofread Jobs

When your work is assessed by a proofreader, the job can be reviewed via TypeEasy's Rated Jobs tab.  You can click on the job's Filename and view the proofreader's comments and changes there. 

Carefully review the proofreader's comments on the rating sheet regarding the corrected job and make note of what mistakes you made.  Review the appropriate sections of OLH to ensure you understand the mistakes that were made so you can avoid them in the future. 

Remember that proofreader comments on one job may not be applicable in every case, so it is important to understand the specific feedback that is provided within the context of the job.  Each job represents a different set of instructions, policies and procedures to be followed depending on the audio, and the errors marked on each job may apply only in those specific circumstances. 

After reviewing your rated jobs (including both the comment sheet and the marked-up version of your document) and the relevant sections of OLH, if you do not believe that the proofreader rated your job appropriately, please send in your questions along with the job number to comments@speakwrite.com for review. 

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