Typist Policies and Procedures

This section contains everything you need to know about formatting and typing policies for working on jobs as a SpeakWrite typist.  It may look like a lot at first, but these rules are in place as a way to ensure all of our many clients are given consistent work product no matter which typist completes their jobs.  Take some time to get familiar with these policies, but don't feel like you have to memorize everything.  This manual is meant to be a constant reference whenever you come across various situations in a live job.  Utilize the search function to find policies related to different topics and situations.  

General Policies to Keep in Mind

  1. Client Mistakes 

    Clients will sometimes make mistakes when dictating.  For example, dictating numbered paragraphs out of order, or misspelling a word.  In general, client errors should not be corrected.  Type as dictated.

  2. Dictation Ends Abruptly  

    If a dictation ends abruptly (i.e. in the middle of a sentence or something similar), you should use the notation [dictation ends here].  

  3. Repeated Corrections

    Allow clients to make small changes in their dictation.  If they want you to remove more than a full sentence, use the notation [strike that] and leave in the wording.  This will keep you from wasting too much time typing words you don't end up paid for. 

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