Payment Policies

Payment Policies

Your Compensation  

Your compensation is determined by the total number of words in your submitted jobs.  Clients agree to a 100-word minimum charge on each job, so even if you work on a very short job, you are compensated for the time you spend getting, completing, and uploading the job.  You are paid for all words in the job, including those appearing in client-requested templates. 

Your compensation can be directly impacted by the quality of your finished product. We value the dedication and knowledge required to transcribe these jobs. However, we also must ensure our clients are receiving a completed product that meets SpeakWrite's quality standards. 

Payment Policies- Quality

If upon management audit or a client returns a job due to excessive errors or failure to follow job instructions, or if there is any other quality issue that results in the job having to be retyped or corrected, management has the right to withhold payment.

Payment Rates 

Typists are paid 1/2 cent (.005) per word produced. GC Typists and Proofreaders receive different rates when working on a Group Conversation.  Because typists are paid based on work produced, your earnings will typically increase as you become more comfortable with the system and are able to type more words per work shift. 

During Primary shifts (red or purple on the schedule), if there are no jobs available, typists will be paid an hourly rate (known as Idle Pay) as long as their status is set to 'At Work' and they are waiting for a new job.  Idle pay will not be awarded if there are jobs available but they are not accepted by the typist.  You must accept all jobs that are assigned during your shifts.  

Typists who are scheduled for Standby shifts will be paid the normal by-the-word rate for all work completed during the shift, but no hourly rate is paid if no jobs are available. 

System Downtime

In the event of system downtime, there is no compensation. 

Please note that after you complete and upload a job, it can take up to 24 hours for the payment information to post onto your Typist Page.  Wait at least that long before submitting a payroll Help Ticket regarding your compensation for a specific job. See Help Tickets for submitting a Non-Job-Related Help Ticket. 

Payment Options 

There are two payment periods per month.  SpeakWrite offers two payment options:  check and direct deposit. 

Direct Deposit Notice

U.S. Typists ONLY:  If you want to receive your payment via direct deposit, you will need to do the following: 

  • Visit https://typist.speakwrite.com and login with your email address and password.
  • Go to Payment Method and click to add direct deposit. 
  • Add your banking information as indicated and save.

Direct Deposit is not currently available for Canadian typists.

If there is an error with your account numbers or ABA numbers, it could result in a delay of pay.  A check will be issued and mailed via U.S. Mail as soon as the issue is identified.  Checks will not be sent via overnight mail. 

Direct deposit payments are submitted on the first business day after the last day of each payment period.  Depending on each bank's policies and procedures, it may take up to two additional days before your funds are available. 

If you want to receive your funds via check, leave the direct deposit information on your personal page blank.  Checks are mailed via U.S. Mail on the first business day after the last day of each payment period.  It can take up to 7 days to receive your check.  Checks should be deposited or cashed promptly upon receipt. 

Verification of Contract Work

SpeakWrite typists are independent contractors (self-employed).  SpeakWrite cannot act as a reference or provide details of your work with us.  It is also your responsibility to keep records of your own earnings.  However, in limited cases, we can respond to occasional requests for verbal or written confirmation of the information below to an interested party should the need arise.  The third party (or you as the typist) must contact SpeakWrite directly with a specific request, including what information needs to be confirmed and to whom.  SpeakWrite does not produce any documentation in this regard – only responds to requests as provided. 

  • Start Date
  • End Date (if applicable)
  • Position
  • Total pay

This information will not be released without written authorization from the typist. You must complete, sign and email the form below to Typist.Support@speakwrite.com before this information will be provided to any outside party.  

SpeakWrite, LLC 2012-2023 ©

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