The Rating Sheet

The Rating Sheet

The rating sheet is the document that is used by proofreaders to mark errors and provide feedback on completed documents.  It is broken into sections that are explained below.  There is a hierarchy of higher priority errors and lower priority errors, but every attempt should be made to follow all policies and procedures to avoid any types of errors in completed jobs.  

As Proofreaders are correcting your typed jobs, they will mark the checkboxes on the left and insert comments in the boxes on the right to provide feedback on any areas in need of improvement.  It is imperative that typists carefully review their proofread jobs and rating sheets to learn from their mistakes and improve overall quality.  

High Priority Errors

High priority errors are located in the top section.  These errors are considered the most severe and should be avoided at all times.  Errors in this section will result in lower overall quality evaluations, which could alert management to review typist quality further. 

Moderate Priority Errors

Moderate Priority Errors are in the middle section.  Although these are as high profile as the High Priority Errors, these errors are still serious and can result in client complaints.  Numerous errors in this section can lower a job score as much as a High Priority Error. 

Additional Errors

The Additional Errors section contains other possible errors.  Although these aren't quite as often complained about by clients, these are important policies and procedures to follow.  Numerous errors in this section can still lead to complaints or quality reviews by management, so don't brush these off. 


Throughout the rating sheet, there are places for the PRs to input comments regarding the errors made in the document to provide further feedback.  You must read and review all comments provided by your Proofreader to learn from any mistakes you may have made.  The whole goal of proofreading is to help typists learn and master our policies to ensure proper quality documents and avoid client complaints. 

Score Heading

The heading of the rating sheet contains the scoring information of a typist's proofread job. Jobs are assigned an overall rating of Great Work!, Satisfactory or Needs Improvement.  These scores are just a way to categorize the overall quality of the job, but they will also be looked at by management to monitor typist quality.  

Download a copy of the Rating Sheet:

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