Returned Jobs

Returned Jobs

When you hit the "At Work" button in TypeEasy and the notice pops up that a job has been assigned to you, you must accept the job within 60 seconds.  If you do not accept it, the job returns to the typing queue to wait for another typist. 

Returned jobs can happen occasionally, but it should be very rare.  If you need to get up from your computer while you are waiting for a job to be assigned to you, it may be a good idea to turn up your speaker volume so you will be able to hear the music alerting you that a job is waiting.

Failing to accept jobs that are assigned to you means that you are not fulfilling the scheduling requirement that states you must be available and ready to accept work at all times during a scheduled shift.  Management tracks returned jobs as a method of evaluating and monitoring typists' performance.  Excessive returned jobs raises red flags and can result in consequences including possible pay retraction. 

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