Speaker Label Tool

Speaker Label Tool

Introducing our new Speaker Label tool in TypeEasy V2, an innovative new way to assist in labeling speakers in a group conversation. This tool uses artificial intelligence to analyze voices and distinguish between them, helping you keep track of who is talking.

Watch the video below for an overview of how it works:


Important to Note:

  • The tool will appear only on group conversations and only for qualified group conversation typists and proofreaders.

  • On partial jobs, if the previous person used the tool to label speakers, their labels will come through with the partial job.

  • Our usual speaker labeling policies still apply for now. You do not need to try to label more than two speakers at this point in time.

  • Rely on your own judgment. If the tool seems incorrect, do not follow it blindly. Use your best judgment as to whether to rely on its identification of the speakers. Things like background noise, overtalk, etc. can sometimes interfere in its accuracy.


Please share your feedback on this tool using the Feedback link on your Typist Dashboard (or send by email to typist.supervisor@speakwrite.com). Feedback can include:

  • Inaccuracies – If you find jobs where the tool doesn’t work well, or seems to mislabel or isn’t able to label speakers properly, send us the job number to help us review it.

  • Technical issues/problems encountered

  • Suggestions for improvement

  • Helpfulness – Would this tool help you identify more than two speakers? Does this help with distinguishing speakers?

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