Regular Jobs That Turn Into GCs

Regular Jobs That Turn Into GCs

If you are the original typist on the job: 

If you are typing a regular job and it turns into a GC (see criteria for becoming a GC), switch to verbatim transcription and begin following GC policies from the point where the second speaker joins in.  You do not need to go back and change the beginning of the document to follow GC policies.  (If you are not a GC Typist, refer to Group Conversations for Typists for instructions on handling this situation.)

If you receive the job as a partial:

This may happen when a regular typist is typing a regular job and it turns into a GC (see criteria for becoming a GC).  The typist should have stopped at the end of the first speaker, marked the job as a GC and submitted it as a partial.  You will pick up where they left off and follow GC policies from that point forward.  You do not need to go back and change the beginning of the document to be verbatim or have speaker labels.  

If the original typist has typed beyond the end of the first speaker and there is no Help TIcket which told them to do so, the job may need to be rejected. 

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