How to Submit a Group Conversation (for Typists)

How to Submit a Group Conversation (for Typists)

Because Group Conversations are typed only by Proofreaders and select Group Conversation Typists, if you are a regular general or legal typist and you receive a Group Conversation, you will need to submit it as a partial to be routed appropriately to someone eligible to type it. 

If you are a Proofreader or Group Conversation Typist and need information on submitting a GC, see Submitting a Complete GC.

When You Receive a Group Conversation:

  • See What Is (Or is Not) a Group Conversation? to ensure the job is a Group Conversation.  

  • If the job is, in fact, a GC, follow these steps to submit it properly:

    1. Leave the document blank. 

    2. Click on the Job Submission tab in TypeEasy.

    3. Check the Group Conversation box.

    4. If needed, leave Comments to Proof.

    5. Click the Submit button at the top.  

    6. On the Submit Job screen, select the option called Partial or Group.  This should be the only option available if the Group Conversation box has been checked appropriately.  Because Group Conversations must be submitted as a partial to be completed by an eligible typist or proofreader, TypeEasy will automatically select this option for you when the job has been properly marked. 

    7. Click Submit This Job Now to submit the job to go to an approved GC Typist or Proofreader. 

If you are certain the job is a Group Conversation, you do not need to open a Help Ticket to request permission to upload it as such.  Only open a Help Ticket if you are not sure whether it a GC or not.

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