How to Submit a Complete Job

How to Submit a Complete Job

Pre-Submission Checklist

Before submitting a job, always remember to run through the following checklist to ensure your job is fully complete.

Submitting a Complete Job

After you have reviewed the checklist above and are ready to submit:

  1. Click on the Job Submission tab. 

  2. Verify that any custom settings in the Job Properties section are correct (see Custom File NamesHow to Enter Additional Email AddressesHow to Change Word Processing Formats and How to Submit a Group Conversation (for Typists) if needed.)

  3. If any Comments to Proof are needed, be sure to enter them in the Comments for Proofreader section. 

  4. In the Templates Used section, click the checkbox for any templates that have been used.  TypeEasy will typically do this automatically.  Any templates that you have appended to your document will appear in this list with a check in the box.  If you opened additional templates but did not use them, they will appear in this list, but should not be checked.  

    If you use a template on a job but it doesn't appear in the Templates Used box, go ahead and submit the job without marking the template.  It is NOT necessary to open a Help Ticket. 

  5. Below the template box, there is a box for Customer Feedback.  This step is not mandatory, but you can use this box to mark any errors that there may have been with the audio (example:  excessive background noise, audio cutting in and out, etc.).  This feedback is collected by SpeakWrite management for use as needed. 

  6. Once everything on the Job Submission page is complete, click the Submit button at the top left corner.  It will open up this page, where you will need to select Complete, Ready for Client if you have completely finished the job and it is ready to go to the client. 

    If you have NOT completed all of the dictation on the tape and need to submit the job to be completed by a proofreader (because it is the end of your shift or you have received permission from the Help Desk), see How and When to Submit a Partial instead.  A job may only be submitted as a partial if you meet the criteria listed on that page.

  7. After you click the circle next to Complete Ready for Client, click the Submit This Job Now button.  Wait for the submission to go through, and then you will be returned to the Status screen where you can set yourself back At Work to receive another job.

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