Custom File Names

Custom File Names

Custom file names should only be typed when requested.  Clients may use different verbiage to request a custom file name, including (but not limited to):

  • "Save this document as…"
  • "Name this file…"
  • "The custom file name should be…"
  • "This should be emailed back to me as…"

The only place a custom file name needs to be typed is into the custom file name box on the Job Submission tab (see below). 

Never type the custom file name into the body of the document, including the Re line, unless the client gives a written or oral instruction to do so.

Pre-Entered Custom Filenames

Some jobs will have custom file names prepopulated in the custom file name box.  If a client gives an oral request for a custom file name that is different than what is in the box, this request should be honored.  Remove what's in the box and replace it with the dictated version, as oral instructions override everything else.  If a client does not mention a custom file name, leave what is already prepopulated in the box.

How to Add a Custom File Name

To enter a custom file name, go to the Job Submission tab in TypeEasy.  Type the name into the Custom File Name box.

To avoid errors in job submission, please keep in mind the following when entering custom file names:

  • Do not type a file type descriptor (such as .doc or .wpd)
  • Do not use any of the following symbols:  / \ , : ; & " (slashes, commas, colons, ampersands or quotation marks)
  • If the client dictates any punctuation other than a "dash" for the custom file name, just use an underscore (_) instead.

When in doubt, submit a Help Ticket.

Help Ticket

Many clients rely on accurately typed custom file names, so if you are unsure about the client's instructions regarding a custom file name, you should open a Help Ticket for clarification.

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