Partial Jobs

Partial Jobs

All partial jobs are sent to proofreaders to complete. Unless you are alerted to proof the previous typist’s work by the job information screen, proofing is typically not required.  The following sections provide information on what to do when you receive various types of partials.

General Policy for Proofing Partial Jobs

Most partial jobs should not require proofing before you begin typing your portion.  If a partial was typed by a typist who is set to have all of their jobs proofed, it will be noted on the Job Information screen that the job requires proofing.  Otherwise, it will state that proofing is not required.  However, even if you receive a job that is not marked for proofing, you are still required to look over the document and ensure it is accurate.  The following policy explains when a partial should be proofed, even if it is not marked for proofing.

Partial Job Policy

Partial jobs not marked for proofreading only qualify for proofing pay if there are:

(3) or more High Priority errors, and/or

(5) or more errors overall

When you elect to do this, you must fully proof the job and in most cases, fill out the rating sheet. 

Partial Pay

In instances where proofing is required based on the criteria stated above, the “Job Required Proofing” box should be checked on the Job Submission tab in TypeEasy.  You will then be paid proofreading pay for the portion proofed and typing pay for the remaining portion you complete.  

No proofing pay will be triggered automatically if the work you're proofing was done by another PR.  If you proof another PR's work, you will need to open a ticket to request proofing pay.  Please only do this when necessary.

Types of Partials

Below, you will find all of the possible scenarios you may encounter when receiving a partial job.  Follow the procedure for each type of job.

Partial Marked for Proofing
  1. Check the Job Information tab to determine whether the partial should be proofed.

  2. If so, go ahead and proofread the job as usual.  Fill out the rating sheet as you go.  Always complete proofreading before typing the rest of the job.  If the job is a PDF, remember to check the first page of the PDF for any written instructions.

  3. After you finish proofing, check Comments to Proof to find the audio stream used and the previous typist’s stopping point.

  4. Advance to that point and continue typing.

  5. Complete and submit the job.  You will be asked to input a job rating for the work that was proofed. 

You will be paid for proofing the partial portion and for typing the remainder of the document.

Partial Not Marked for Proofing
  1. Check the Job Information tab to determine whether the partial should be proofed.  If it states that proofing is not required, follow the instructions below.

  2. Look over the job quickly to ensure that instructions were followed and no blatant errors are present.  If the job is a PDF, also check the first page of the PDF for any written instructions.

  3. If you see errors, determine whether it meets the criteria listed above for proofing a partial.

  4. Once you have determined that proofing is not needed, read over the instructions and previous Help Tickets (if any), listen to the beginning of the audio to check for special oral instructions, and begin typing where the previous typist left off.  

  5. Complete and submit the job as normal.

You will be paid for the words that you type.  

Partial Not Marked for Proofing but Proofing is Needed
  1. Check the Job Information tab to see if the job is marked for proofing.

  2. If not, read over the instructions, scan through the document to look for blatant errors, and listen to the beginning of the audio to ensure client instructions were followed.  If the job is a PDF, check the first page of the PDF for any written instructions.

  3. If the job meets the criteria for proofing, look at the Job Information tab to determine whether it was typed by a typist or a PR.  

  4. If it was typed by a PR, do NOT fill out a rating sheet.  Simply make the corrections needed in the document.  Never assign a job rating to a fellow PR.

  5. If it was typed by a typist, go ahead and proof the job and fill out the rating sheet.

  6. Once proofing is complete, go ahead and finish typing the job.

  7. Before submitting the job, ensure you check the box labeled "Job Required Proofing" on the Job Submission tab.  

  8. Submit the job as complete.  If you filled out a rating sheet, be sure to input the rating.  If the job was typed by a PR, you should select N/A as the job rating.  (In this case, you will also need to open a ticket to request proofing pay.) 
Partial That Started as a Regular Job and Turned Into a GC

If a Sermon/Lecture/Regular Document turns into Group Conversation, a typist will submit it as a partial.  If you receive a job like this, do the following:

  1. Leave original formatting.  Do not go back and redo the beginning to follow verbatim policies.  You will start GC formatting and policies where the previous typist left off.

  2. If the job needs to be proofed (either because you receive it marked for proofing or you see errors in the document which meet the criteria for proofing a partial), proofread the job and fill out the rating sheet (unless it was typed by a PR). 

  3. Begin typing where the last person left off.  Include appropriate speaker labeling, and type verbatim from that point on.  

  4. To properly submit the job:
    • Click Job Submission tab.
    • If you proofed the job, check the box for Job Required Proofing.
    • Ensure the Group Conversation box is checked. 
    • Submit the job as complete.  Input a rating if needed. 

Partial Proofing Jobs

Proofing jobs should not be submitted as partials.  At the end of a shift, a proofreader may receive a proofing job (or a partial that requires proofing) but they are unable to complete the proofreading before the end of their shift.  When this occurs:

  1. Open a help ticket requesting to have the job requeued.  Tell the Help Desk you will not be able to complete the proofreading before the end of your shift and need the job requeued to another PR.

  2. The Help Desk will requeue the job and you can log off of your shift. 

If you get to the end of a shift and haven't finished proofing a job you expected to be able to finish, you can submit a partially proofed job as a partial to go to another proofreader.  However, you MUST open a payroll ticket in order to get paid for your part of the proofing.  This should only be done in very limited cases.  Whenever possible, you should finish the proofing prior to submitting the job. 

Group Conversation (or Any Other Job Received as a Partial from Another PR)
  1. Check the Job Information screen.  If the job is a group conversation, see GC Proofing Policies.

  2. If it is not a GC, review the job history.  If it shows that the previous typist was a PR, follow all of the same steps for proofing a partial that are listed above EXCEPT filling out the rating sheet. A Proofreader should never rate another Proofreader’s work.

  3. Proof the job by making required corrections. If the job is a PDF, remember to check the first page of the PDF for any written instructions.  Then begin typing where they left off. 

  4. To submit the job, click the Job Submission tab.  Check the box for Job Required Proofing
    (Note:  On a GC or a job that was typed by a PR, this will not trigger proofing pay.  Open a payroll ticket for a manual pay adjustment.)

  5. When asked to input a job rating, select N/A.  

After your shift, please email proofreader.support@speakwrite.com with the job number and a brief description of why the job had to be proofed so we can follow up with the PR at fault. 

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