Comments to Proof

When to Leave Comments to Proof

Whenever a job is submitted, typists are required to leave a comment to proof if there is something out of the ordinary about client instructions, formatting, or unusual or inconsistent spelling dictated by the client. A comment must also be left for your proofreader when a client gives or changes instructions or spelling anywhere besides the beginning of a document.


All partial jobs must include required comments to proof to maintain consistency in the document.  

Comments to proof should be reserved for the following types of situations:

  • Client instructions that are given after the start of the audio. 
  • Changes to instructions or formats.  
  • Request for a format that is different from SW default formatting.  
  • Special spelling, instructions or formatting which are contrary to SpeakWrite standard guidelines.  
  • Oral spelling provided by the client during the dictation.
  • Inconsistent spelling dictated by the client.  
  • A list of spellings used for names not provided by the client (for consistency purposes). This is especially important if you are submitting a partial. 
  • Client requests that you go back and make a change to an earlier part of the document.  
  • If you are submitting a partial job, you must leave a comment to proof indicating the audio position or PDF page where you left off, as well as the audio stream used.  

How to Leave Comments to Proof

  • Be concise in your Comments to Proof.  Proofreaders listen to the same audio you hear, so you don't need to be extensive.
  • Comments should always be kept professional, as they are permanently saved with the document and can be viewed by all SpeakWrite personnel.  Do not include any personal commentary or identifying information.

To leave a comment for your proofreader, click on the Job Submission tab, and enter your comments in the "Comments for Proofreader" section.  They will save automatically. 

Pro Tip

Even though comments to proof will save automatically, they can occasionally be lost if TypeEasy is closed/restarted.  To avoid losing comments, we recommend typing them in the Notes section while you work, then pasting into the Comments for Proofreader box at the end.  

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