Abbreviations and Symbols

Abbreviations and Symbols


Abbreviations should not be used unless they are included in this section, in the SpeakWrite Word List or a client's word list, instructions, template, or unless the client requests the abbreviations.  If the client does request an abbreviation that is not included in the OLH or a word list, please remember to document the client's request in a Comment to Proof.  

Use the following abbreviations in these situations, even if they’re not requested: 

  • If dictated before a name (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.) 
    • Since Ms. and Miss often sound virtually identical, SpeakWrite's preference is to use Ms. unless the client actually spells the word M-I-S-S or over-enunciates the pronunciation so that it's unmistakable (Missssssss). 
  • After a name (Jr., Sr.)
  • If the word "number" is dictated directly before a number, unless at the beginning of a sentence (No. 45)
  • In an address block only, use ‘c/o’ when ‘care of’ or ‘in care of’ is dictated


In general, symbols are not used unless the client requests them. However, we do use a few symbols even when the client does not dictate them: 

  • Use a dollar sign when the client dictates a dollar figure. 
  • The section symbol is used when the client dictates the word ‘section’ between the name of a legal authority and a section number (ex. Labor Code § 5500.5).  
  • Use slashes, dots and the @ symbol in email addresses and web addresses.    

Inserting a Section Symbol

To create a section symbol, in the Insert tab of your word processor ribbon, choose Symbol and scroll down until you see the section symbol (§). Highlight it and chose Insert.  Note that it automatically comes up in the font of the document, but you can change fonts using the font dropdown on this window. 

Use of **** with Symbols

Remember to use **** when a requested symbol cannot be found in Word.  In a handwritten PDF document where the handwriting or image cannot be determined or is not a regular keyboard symbol, also use ****.  

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