Headers and Footers

Headers and Footers

Headers and footers should only be added when specifically requested by a client, or if present in a template being used on the job.

Header/Footer Settings

In order to successfully work with headers or footers, you should typically have Different first page checked off in the Header/Footer Tools section (see below).  Otherwise, you will not be able to use different headers for Page 1, and then another style of header for subsequent pages. 

This is very important because most client templates do use a first page header (with company logo and attorney names, for example), but use a different second (and subsequent) page header, or no subsequent header at all after that first page. 

Header & Footer Tools Menu:

From the Insert tab, click Header or Footer to edit the appropriate section.  

Once you have the header/footer open, you'll see a green menu at the top:  Header & Footer Tools.  From there, you can see the options such as Different First Page, and Link to Previous (see below for more). 

Changing Header/Footer Text or Resetting Page Numbering for Subsequent Documents

If a template has headers or footers containing page numbers or any other information that needs changing (such as date, file numbers, etc.), the header text/numbers will continue from the previous document unless you indicate otherwise.  When you need to change only one header/footer, you will need to unlink it from the previous. 

To change the header/footer text and/or reset the page numbering in the new document:

  • Double-click on the header/footer to be changed, then go into the green Header & Footer Tools menu (as shown above). 
  • If the option Link to Previous is selected, unselect it now.  This will allow you to edit only this section. 
  • Change any text as required in the header/footer of the new document.
  • Close the Header and Footer screen.
  • Repeat the steps above for each additional document included in the job. 

Header and Footer Note

If you alter header/footer information for the second document without completing the above unlinking step, the first document's header will be (incorrectly) modified as well. 

SpeakWrite, LLC 2012-2023 ©

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