Lost Work - Transcription in document has disappeared

Lost Work - Transcription in document has disappeared

If you have lost your work, please reboot your computer, log back into TypeEasy, accept the job, and let the Help Desk know if all your work is there.

  1. If all your work is there, please continue with the job.

  2. If it is blank (no work is there), the Help Desk will need to requeue this to another typist. The Help Desk will turn this into a Payroll ticket and forward it along. Please provide the Help Desk with an estimate of your word count and send your TypeEasy Logfiles (see the OLH). Keep your ticket open.

  3. If only part of the work is there, submit what you have as a partial with a note to PR that you were advised to do this because you lost work. Open a Payroll ticket and the Help Desk will forward it along. Please give us an estimate of your word count and send your TypeEasy Logfiles (see the OLH). Keep this ticket open.

  4. If you lost work and retyped it, in the future please open a help ticket before you continue retyping. It makes it difficult for us to research on this side when work is lost and then is redone. Since you retyped, the Help Desk will not be able to forward this along as a Payroll ticket.

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