Speed Test

Speed Test

If you are experiencing slow-downs in downloading or uploading jobs, if you are see contacting or buffering in your audio player often, or if you cannot successfully upload your job please load the site below and follow steps provided:


  1. Click on 'Begin Test' in link above. It is located at the top of the screen in the middle. NOTE: Do not click 'Pingtest', 'Create Account', or 'Login' at top. You do not need an account for this.

  1. Please write down and provide Help Desk with your your Ping, Download Speed, and Upload Speed.

The next time you notice that it's lagging or having general TE issues, go back to the Speedtest and compare your numbers. Please keep in mind that SpeakWrite requires a minimum of 1.0 Mbps for the upload speed.

It could be a connection issue and you may need to contact your ISP to see if they can assist.

If the issue is still occurring after going through these steps:

  • Send your TypeEasy Logfiles (see Typist OLH).
  • Open a help ticket and we will look into your issue further.
    • In the help ticket please provide any steps you have taken to resolve the issue.

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