Installing TypeEasy

Installing TypeEasy

TypeEasy V2 Available Now!

We are excited to announce the release of the brand-new version of our software, TypeEasy V2!  More information about this new program can be found here.  

Pre-Installation Checklist

Technology Requirements

  • Windows-Based PC
    • Mac Computers may be compatible if you are able to run Windows operating system.  Windows is required to run TypeEasy.  Technical support for TypeEasy on Mac is not currently available.
  • Minimum 6 GB RAM
  • High-speed internet with strong connection
  • Foot Pedal (Do not purchase until after training is complete and a contract is offered)

Before installing TypeEasy, make sure you have reviewed and adjusted your Required Equipment/Computer Settings.

Also be sure to update your computer if updates are available for Windows.

Installing TypeEasy

There are two ways you can download TypeEasy.

  1. This link: https://nxtprodstore.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/publicbinaries/TypeEasyV2.exe
  2. From your Typist Dashboard.
    1. Log in.
    2. Click Download TypeEasy under External Links on the Dashboard landing page.

*Note Regarding Antivirus Software:  Some antivirus software may flag TypeEasy as potentially "dangerous" because it is being downloaded from the internt.  Since SpeakWrite is a trusted source and we can confirm there is no malicious content in the program, please be sure to allow it as an exception in your antivirus to proceed. 

With either method, the following steps are the same.

  1. TypeEasy V2 will begin downloading the latest version.
  2. Visit your Downloads folder to locate the downloaded file.
  3. Drag the downloaded file to your Desktop or wherever you want to store the program.

Note:  Upon each update, you will need to repeat this process and replace any former versions on your computer. 

If TypeEasy does not install properly, submit a Help Ticket through your Dashboard

Uninstalling TypeEasy

To uninstall, all you need to do is delete the downloaded file.  Right-click on the TypeEasy V2 icon and click Delete.  

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