Single-Speaker Jobs

Single-Speaker Jobs

This page should only be used as a reference if you are working on a single-speaker Spanish job. For the regular Spanish job format please reference this page of the OLH.

The template for this job is similar to the regular template used for all other Spanish jobs. This template will still be set up with three columns, but there will only be one row of cells because there is only a single speaker. The columns will be organized as follows:

  1. The first is where you will enter the labels for each speaker.

  2. The second column is where you will transcribe the Spanish spoken. While the majority of the jobs will be in Spanish, occasionally you may hear an English word or “Spanglish” word.  These words should be included in the second column and in the initial Spanish transcription as we must type what is said, exactly as it is said.

  3. The third column will be where you translate what has been said and should contain only the English translations.

Once you have completed the job, please make sure to delete any unused cells.

An example of what the format for a single-speaker Spanish job is included below:


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