Multi-Speaker Jobs

Multi-Speaker Jobs

The template in this article should be used for all Spanish Jobs unless otherwise noted. You download the template through TypeEasy for each job, but we have attached a copy here for you to review if you ever need it.  

You can find the protocols for formatting different types of Spanish jobs here.

The template for these jobs is set up with three columns.

  1. The first is where you will enter the labels for each speaker.

  2. The second column is where you will transcribe the Spanish spoken. While the majority of the jobs will be in Spanish, occasionally you may hear an English word or “Spanglish” word.  These words should be included in the second column and in the initial Spanish transcription as we must type what is said, exactly as it is said.

  3. The third column will be where you translate what has been said and should contain only the English translations.

The template has been set up for dual language proofing, so in the second column, if you mistype a Spanish word or type a Spanish word that requires accents, a red squiggly line should appear underneath it.  If you right click on that word it should give you the correct spelling or the word with the correct accents added.

As for the second column, it may also contain English words.  It is possible you will also see squiggly lines under English words that you have not misspelled. Please check that those words are correct, but the lines can be ignored as they are there because that column is set for Spanish.

The third column should be set for English, so any squiggly lines you see there should be paid attention to.  Again, if you right click on a word with a squiggly line it will give you the correct spelling.  While this template has been set up for dual languages, this can sometimes confuse Word and you may see squiggly lines appear for a word that is not misspelled because Word is trying to correct it in the wrong language.  If this happens you can select the correct language by right clicking and then going down to Language and selecting either English or Spanish, whatever the case may be.

When submitting your job as completeyou should remove any unused cells from the template. 

To do this please highlight the empty cells remaining in the template.


Then right click on the highlighted cells and choose Delete cells.


Next the 'Delete Cells' box will pop up.  Choose "Delete entire row" and then click OK.



You may view or download the template here:

Using Bold for automated voices

When a call starts out with an automated voice, as many prison-recorded calls do, please type what the automated voice says in bold.


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