How to Enter Additional Email Addresses

When to Enter Additional Email Addresses

Additional email addresses should only be entered if specifically requested by a client, and it is VERY rare.  Entering additional email addresses when it is not requested is considered a critical error because it is a breach of confidentiality.  Always open a help ticket if there is any doubt.  

Listen for specific instructions, such as "Send this job to the following email address instead of (or in addition to) the email address in my account".  

If a client states that a letter/document will be sent via email to someone and provides an email address, this is NOT a request to add additional email addresses.  This information should only be added to the document, and should never be added as an additional email address on the job submission page.  If you are unsure whether a client is requesting an additional email address, you MUST open a Help Ticket. 

To enter an additional email address:

  1. Click on the Job Submission tab in TypeEasy.  

  2. In the Job Properties box, locate the "Additional Email" box.  Type the address exactly as dictated in the box.  Separate multiple email addresses with commas.

  3. There is a 50-character limit for additional email addresses.  

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