
When to Use Templates

A client template is used only when the client specifically requests one, orally or in the written instructions. 


To use a template on a letter or memo, the client must use specific language to indicate that a template is to be used.  Only if the client says "Use my letterhead", "use my form", etc., then the client's template must be used.  Just because a client dictates a letter doesn't mean a template should be used.

All Other Jobs

For non-correspondence document types, a client may use the words such as template, form, report, format.  They may also just state the title of a document for which they have a matching template on file, such as "this will be an Initial Report".  If they have a matching template, use it. They do not necessarily have to say the word "template".  

Help Ticket

If a client requests a template that you cannot find, if there are several templates with similar names, if you are unclear on which template is being requested, or if you have problems copying, pasting, or working with a client template, a help ticket is mandatory.

If the client does not request a template, type the job using any written or oral formatting instructions, and SW default typing policies for areas not covered by client instructions. 

Template font should not be changed and overrides both SpeakWrite and client default font; unless the client specifies otherwise.

SpeakWrite Generic Templates

On every job you complete in TypeEasy, you will have access to a list of SpeakWrite generic templates (labeled as "SpeakWrite" under the Type column).  These templates provide a default structure for how to format different types of documents according to our default formatting guidelines.  Use of these templates is NEVER required, but it can be helpful when you are first learning our default formatting rules.  

Guidelines for Using Generic Templates:

  • Do not choose a generic template at random.  Make sure you pick the one that matches the client’s formatting instructions. 
    • e.g. If a client is dictating a letter with the instruction "Do not indent", use the Letter, Full Block template. 

  • All SW generic templates paste in TNR 12, and must be changed to the client’s default font/size in the job document (or follow any other OLH or client instruction regarding font).

  • All unused sample template information must be removed from your document prior to submitting.

Template Tips
  1. Remove unused template elements unless the client gives some indication that they should remain in the document.  Do not remove integral parts, such as a signature block, enclosure line, etc. 

  2. If a client says to "drop down to XXX section", consider that a request to not remove unused sections in between.

  3. If submitting a job with a template as a partial, you must delete all remaining template text below where you stopped typing to keep your word count accurate.  Leave a Comment to Proof indicating that part of the template has been removed so the next person can continue on appropriately.

  4. If you have trouble accessing or copying a requested template, you must do a job-related Help Ticket and wait for assistance. Because it may be that the problem is with your computer, or a known template issue that can be easily fixed, do not submit the job without the template unless instructed to do so by the help desk.  During the hours that the help desk is closed, please follow the instructions for submitting the job as a partial, and leaving a comment to proof to explain the problem.  


A job may be rejected back to typing if you leave excess sample text in the partial document.

Using Templates:  Use vs. Append

You will notice when you view a template, it provides options to Use or Append.  

It's really important that you select the right option to copy the template in the appropriate spot.  

Use Template: Add template to beginning of document

  • Clicking the Use button automatically inserts the template at the very beginning of the document.  This option will only be used one time on any job.  Once you've "used" a template, all other templates in the job must be appended to ensure they are added in the right part of the document. 

Append Template:  Add template to end of document

  • Clicking the Append button automatically inserts the template at the end of the document.  If you used a template for the first document, you should append any additional templates to keep them in the right order.  

In TypeEasy V2, if you click Use Template and it doesn't bring the template formatting over properly, try using Append instead.  Sometimes that option works better for preserving formatting.  You will just need to remove the section break that is automatically inserted and it will bring the template to the top of the document. 

Check Template Formatting!

After inserting a template, visually check the template for pasting errors (fonts, margins, spacing, etc.) and unlink the headers/footers from the previous section if applicable.  You should also ensure that any headers/footers that may have copied from the first template are removed from the second document, and also make sure that if the second template has different page margins, they are reflected properly in the Word document. 

Template Rules

  1. Oral Instructions/Dictation Override Template:  
    • If a client dictates different headings or wording than is present in a template, it should be changed to match the oral dictation.
    • If a client dictates headings out of order and doesn't specifically tell you to skip around, you should type in the same order that is orally dictated.  

  2. Late Template Requests:  
    • Clients must request a template within the first minute of a dictation. 
    • Requests after that time should not be followed.  Instead, type as an instruction to staff in bold and brackets.  

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