Typist Responsibilities

Typist Responsibilities

SpeakWrite Management looks at various aspects of a typist's performance. We utilize internal reports, feedback from proofreader’s and more to assess the quality of our typists' work. 

General responsibilities when you accept a job:

  • Review Expected+Turnaround+Times and determine whether you will be able to complete the job within the expected time frame.  Note that the turnaround time includes weekends and holidays. 

  • If you do not feel that you can meet the turnaround requirement for a job you have accepted, immediately email spanish.support@speakwrite.com so that we can requeue the job to another typist and meet our commitment to the client.

  • Start working on the job right away.  It is not acceptable to hold the job, and if the system sees that the job is not progressing as it should, the job will have to be requeued to another typist and you will not be paid for any work you have completed.


SpeakWrite Typists must maintain all standards set forth in this OLH manual by SpeakWrite Management. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Follow Spanish Policies 

  • Follow SW policy regarding rejecting jobs back to clients.

  • Limit the number of jobs that must be rejected back to typing by proofreaders. 

  • Complete all jobs in the required turnaround time.

  • Conduct communications with professionalism. 

  • Review OLH and stay up to date with changes. 

  • Utilize spanish.support@speakwrite.com and the Help Desk when working on live jobs. 

We expect typists to have an email address dedicated to receiving SW emails, and that this email address be monitored in case SW requires an immediate response to one of their emails.  If an immediate response is not requested in a SW email, all typists are expected to respond to SpeakWrite correspondence (when a response is requested) within 1 week or 7 calendar days.  If no response is requested, no reply is necessary. 

Any complaints or concerns should be moved through the appropriate channels. We encourage you to utilize the Getting Help resources for this. 



When typing, proofing and submitting jobs, SpeakWrite Typists must provide quality work to clients, including:

  • Follow OLH policies and procedures for typing jobs.

  • Be attentive to client oral and written instructions and word lists.

  • Be aware of SW scope of service policies so that you will know if a client request should not be followed, and what to do in that situation. 

  • Know when to ask for help.

  • Proofread your work (whether the job is submitted as partial or complete) to ensure that quality documents are being reviewed and sent to clients.

If management receives a complaint about the quality of work submitted on a job, the job will be reviewed to determine if it meets SpeakWrite quality standards. You can find the Quality Standards with Quality Warnings for Spanish Jobs below this page in the Table of Contents.   

NOTE:  This is not related to normal proofreading of typist jobs.  This only applies to jobs that have received complaints.  

These consequences will be implemented on a rolling 6-month basis, which means that if you have had no warnings in 6 months, all of your previous warnings have expired and you would start again from the beginning. 

Speech Recognition or Translation Software

Using any type of speech recognition software, such as Dragon, Google Voice and/or translation software is strictly prohibited in SpeakWrite work.  SpeakWrite promises its clients that all documents will be transcribed by real people. 

To quote from our client web site:  "SpeakWrite is packed with features you won’t get with other services or voice recognition."

If a typist is suspected of using any speech recognition software, their contract could be in jeopardy.

Successful Typists = Happy Clients

We know that successful typists need to be provided with the tools and resources to succeed. We want our typists to feel that they can meet their responsibilities so that we can exceed client expectations. We promise to do our best in providing you with helpful and relevant information that makes you a better typist. 

SpeakWrite, LLC 2012-2020 ©

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