Error Message - Script Error
Error Message - Script Error
If you receive an error message 'Script Error', review this information and follow the steps below:
The message opens in a popup box. It has 'Script Error' at top, a yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it, and 'Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?'.
You should be able to click Yes and proceed to typing.
If you continue to see script box every time you log in, try these steps;
- Reboot TypeEasy and try again.
- Reboot your computer and try again.
- Check to make sure you are on Internet Explorer 11 or newer: https://www.lifewire.com/what-version-of-internet-explorer-do-i-have-2617990
- Update as needed.
- If these options do not work, see article in OLH for System Restore.
If the issue is still occurring after going through these steps:
- Send your TypeEasy Logfiles (see Typist OLH).
- Open a help ticket and we will look into your issue further.
- In the help ticket please provide any steps you have taken to resolve the issue.
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