Help Tickets

Help Tickets

What is a Help Ticket, How to Open a Help Ticket, and How to Answer a Help Ticket

What is a Help Ticket

A help ticket is used by SpeakWrite Help Desk staff to provide you with assistance when performing Independent Contractor duties for SpeakWrite. There are two types of Help Tickets:

  1. Job Related

  2. Non-Job Related

If you cannot access Help Tickets for any reason from your typist page, you are to email bettina.lefeld@speakwrite.com.

If your Internet access has gone down or you are away from a computer, the Help Desk can be reached at 1-800-828-3889. This is only to be used in situations where creating a Help Ticket is not feasible. This line is also our client help line, and we try to keep that line available for client support as well.

Help Desk Hours 

Monday - Friday

6:00 AM - 11:00 PM MST

Saturday - Sunday

7:00 AM - 10:00 PM MST

Holiday Hours 

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM MST

Getting Help After Hours

If SpeakWrite policy requires that you submit a Help Ticket, you MUST submit a Help Ticket. 
If the Help Desk is closed and it is a basic question you can come back to or something you can work around, please continue to work on the job as much as possible, until the Help Desk can provide you with an answer the next day. If this is something that you must have answered before you can complete or submit the job, then please stop working on the job and wait for the Help Desk's reply the next day. 
If you cannot access a ticket in TypeEasy, try using your typist home page first,http://typist.speakwrite.com

How to Open a Help Ticket 

Job-Related Help Ticket

When help is needed on an assigned job, follow the steps below.
(This includes if you are having technical difficulty or are requesting clarification.) 

     1. Click the TypeEasy logo in the top left-hand corner of the screen. 

     2. Select 'Job Related Help Ticket' The Help Ticket window will open.

     3. Then select 'Create a new ticket.'

     4. Then select a category:

Issue on Currently Assigned Job - Use for any job-related inquiry, including requests to reject a job due to English on a Spanish account or to have a job reviewed for poor audio.

  • If the issue is a Technical one please make sure to check the "Yes" box that states "Is this a technical question?"

    • Technical issues may include…

      • Unable to submit your job

      • Error occurs in TypeEasy

     5. Next enter a Subject in the "Summary" line.


Do not use this line for anything other than the subject of your Help Ticket. Beginning a description of the problem in this line makes it difficult to understand, and causes delays in response times. 

  • Please note that once inside your ticket, the Help Desk cannot see your Summary line. We recommend making sure to put any questions or pertinent info in the ticket so the Help Desk does not have to exit your ticket to receive all the information needed to assist you. 

     6. Enter in a brief explanation of your problem or question into the description box:

  • Please understand that we do not have access to any information, working draft files, etc., other than what you explain in this box. 

  • If you are asking the Help desk to review something specific, please make sure to provide them with where are you at in the audio (e.g. 3:45) and which audio stream are you listening to (e.g. HQ).


     7. Click the 'Create New Ticket' button to submit your ticket to SpeakWrite. You must remain at your computer until you receive a response. 

Answering a reply to your ticket:

Once we have responded to your ticket you will receive both an audible and visible notification. 

     1. Click on the link to access the ticket.

     2. If the instructions in the response resolve your problem or answer your question, click the 'Close Ticket' button. This tells us that we do not need to take further action on your ticket and that you are at your computer working on the job. 

     3. If the response does not resolve your problem or answer your question, click the 'Open' button next to the ticket and repeat the steps above. 

EMERGENCY PARTIAL JOB Upload Request – You should only request a partial if you have an emergency. SpeakWrite defines an emergency as, "a serious, unexpected, medical or bereavement situation requiring immediate action." If your emergency is going to keep you from completing a Spanish job within the time given by Management then you must open a Help Ticket to get permission to submit an emergency partial job. You must have at least 10% of the audio complete for the request to be approved.

  • If you do not have at least 10% complete please email bettina.lefeld@speakwrite.com.

  • If a partial is approved you will not be paid for the work transcribed

Wait for Help Desk response:
In any situation that requires you to submit a Help Ticket (e.g. requesting to reject a job), please continue to wait until the Help Desk responds to your ticket.  These tickets are reviewed and can affect performance reviews if not handled appropriately.

Non-Job-Related Help Ticket
If you need assistance with other issues not related to a job you are working on, follow the steps below.
You will also follow these steps if you have an error in TypeEasy or a problem with your computer that is not related to a specific job. 

     1. Log into TypeEasy and select the Personal Page Tab

     2. Click 'Launch' next to Help Ticket System under the heading 'TypeEasy Information.' 

     3. Click the 'Create New Ticket' button.

     4. Type a short summary of your question or error into the 'Summary' box.  

     5. Select a category from the 'Select category' drop-down list. 

  • If you selected 'Payroll Issue' please carefully type the associated file name into the 'Filename' box.

    • If you have a general payroll question which is not related to a particular job, you want to leave the 'Filename' box blank.

    • Type your question or problem in the 'Description of the problem' box.

     6. Click the 'Create New Ticket' button to submit your ticket to SpeakWrite.


Answering a reply to your ticket:

  1. When you receive notification that we have responded to your ticket, click 'Launch' next to Help Ticket System to open the Ticket Menu screen.

     2. Click the 'Open' button to view the response.

     3. If the response does not resolve your problem or answer your question, please respond back to the Help Desk for further assistance.


     4. If the instructions in the response resolve your problem or answer your question, click the 'Close Ticket' button. This tells us that we do not need to take further action on your ticket.


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