Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Please make sure you have Adobe Reader installed, check your Control Panel. If that's not the issue it could be an Adobe X or XI issue. Please reboot your computer first and if you cannot see the PDF, go through the steps below:

  1. Go to Control Panel.

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  2. Under Programs, select Uninstall a Program.

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  3. Highlight your Adobe Reader version, right click, and Uninstall.

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  4. Follow the prompts to make sure it is gone, go back to Control Panel programs to double check it's not there.

  5. Go here:

  6. Select your Windows version (Windows XP, Vista, 7/8, 10), English, and Reader 10.1.4 English for Windows.

  7. Uncheck the McAfee box.

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  8. Click Download now.

  9. Follow the prompts to install.

  10. At the end of the install of 10.1.4 you should receive a splash window that shows 'Finished'.

  11. Reboot your computer.

  12. If not on a live job, go to # 13; If you are on a live job: log back into TypeEasy, accept the job and let us know if you can see it.

  13. Go back into your computer and open a random PDF you have. If you don’t have a PDF document, open a Word document and 'Save As' with a PDF extension to your desktop. Try to open it.

  14. Close that PDF and open TypeEasy. Login and go to Training Job 9.

If it does not work, please go through below:

Delete Temporary Internet Files

It's a good idea to delete temporary Internet files periodically to free drive space. With TypeEasy closed:

  1. Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button . In the search box, type Internet Explorer, and then, in the list of results, click Internet Explorer.

  2. Click the Gear Icon, and then click Internet options.

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  3. In the General tab, under Browsing History, click Delete.

  4. In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, select Temporary Internet files, click Delete, and then click OK.

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  5. Open TypeEasy and try Training Job 2 again. Give it a few minutes to populate.

Did that work? If not, try below.

Enable the Adobe PDF browser add-on (Internet Explorer

Make sure that the Adobe PDF browser add-on, AdobePDF.dll, is enabled. With TypeEasy closed:

  1. Click Gear Icon > Internet Options.Click the Programs tab.

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  2. Click the Manage Add-ons button.Set the Show menu to 'All add-ons.'

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  3. Find and select Adobe PDF Reader. If you don't find this item in the list, reinstall Reader or Acrobat.

  4. Make sure that Enable is selected.

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  5. Click OK.

  6. Open TypeEasy and try Training Job 2 again. Give it a few minutes to populate.

If the issue is still occurring after going through these steps:

  • Send your TypeEasy Logfiles (see Typist OLH).
  • Open a help ticket and we will look into your issue further.
    • In the help ticket please provide any steps you have taken to resolve the issue.

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